Friday, February 26, 2010

Waiting and waiting.......

The last several months the tooth fairy has visited our house on a regular basis. She has also gone broke because of it. But, that is another story. Ady has been waiting for her 2 front teeth to come in. The dentist said that it would be anytime now, that was forever ago. Santa didn't bring them either (and we sang the song and everything). But, yesterday she exclaimed with pride that she can feel one of them coming through. And sure enough you can barely see a little tooth. whew!.......I was starting to get worried. Hopefully they will both be in before school starts in the fall. (i know that is a long way off, but really we have been waiting for a long time).
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Wow, this blogging thing is more work than I thought. I do not how you all do it.  I can't even think about anything of interest to write about.  oh well!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a New advenTure

Welcome to my new adventure. I have been very opposed to blogging (although I love to blog surf and read about people I do not know) so it has taken me a long time to get to this point. But, I figured what the heck! everyone else is doing it right. I guess I don't handle peer pressure very well. So, we are going to give it a shot. Wish me luck!