Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bounce U

I know, I know......I am a slacker.  This will be just a quick post of a few pictures from the girls' birthday party at BounceU.  With both of their birthdays being at the end of the school year, we decided to have their party early.  That way they could invite their friends.  It was a lot of fun and the decorations look great too.  (Thanks Aunt Trina!)

Party Favors
Now for a few pictures of the kids......................

(I know it is blurry, but this kid never slows down)


And for the piece de resistance, drum roll please..............

this is a hard core boxing match.......who will win?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Peacha! Peacha!

Over the weekend we had dinner at my mom and dad's house (of course!). My dad made pizza dough and we all created our own unique pizza. This picture is just an example of one of the fantastic creations that was made, and of course it does not do it justice. It was so yummy!
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Sunday, April 18, 2010

AZ Epilepsy Walk

Last weekend our family participated in the AZ Epilepsy Walk at the Phoenix Zoo. The walk is the foundation's largest fundraiser and also raises awareness about epilepsy. It is a 1.1 mile walk around the children's trail at the zoo. Being that it was very early in the morning, we were able to see all the big cats out and about. That was very exciting. After we completed the walk we went back through the zoo and checked out the cool animals that were on our must see list. All in all we had a great time together and supported a great cause.  Check out some of the animals we were able to see.

                                                                       Turtle Island

                                                                 The King of New York

                                                                          King Louie

And the strangest of all the animals we saw at the zoo

A Koyer Monster
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Trash.....A Character Builder?

Yesterday as I was waiting for Adyson after school, I see her walking with her head down.  Occasionally she stopped to inspect something in the grass (or so I thought).  When she climbed into the truck I asked her if she was OK and what she looking at.  She responded in her very matter of factly voice, that she was picking up trash.  Why you all ask?  "Because Mom, I am trying to build character."

Friday, March 19, 2010

From the Sahara to the Sonoran

Ady had her 1st grade program last week. They have been studying about the Arizona desert and more recently about Egypt. So all of the songs were related to their studies. Here she is all dolled up for her big night. Of course I had to bribe her to let me do her her hair. I cost me 4 quarters and an ice cream cone.
I think it was money well spent. She looks so cute! And she did a great job. Congrats Ady!
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Waiting and waiting.......

The last several months the tooth fairy has visited our house on a regular basis. She has also gone broke because of it. But, that is another story. Ady has been waiting for her 2 front teeth to come in. The dentist said that it would be anytime now, that was forever ago. Santa didn't bring them either (and we sang the song and everything). But, yesterday she exclaimed with pride that she can feel one of them coming through. And sure enough you can barely see a little tooth. whew!.......I was starting to get worried. Hopefully they will both be in before school starts in the fall. (i know that is a long way off, but really we have been waiting for a long time).
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Wow, this blogging thing is more work than I thought. I do not how you all do it.  I can't even think about anything of interest to write about.  oh well!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a New advenTure

Welcome to my new adventure. I have been very opposed to blogging (although I love to blog surf and read about people I do not know) so it has taken me a long time to get to this point. But, I figured what the heck! everyone else is doing it right. I guess I don't handle peer pressure very well. So, we are going to give it a shot. Wish me luck!